Public Record F.A.A. Data Lists
Data Source: County Clerk/ County Recorder's/ Federal Courts/ State Courthouse / City Clerk/ Public Records
Data Description: Individuals or Businesses That Own An Airplane Or Jet.
Available Data Outputs: Individual Or Business Name, Address, City, State, ZIP, Registration Number, Title, Airport Base, Year, Make, Model, Mileage, Pilots License Holder, Phone/Email & DNC/NCOA (optional)
Geographic Filters: Nationwide, State(s), County(s), City(s), Zip List
Available Volume: 100,000 Monthly (Updated Daily)
Sample of F.A.A. Data (Standard Output):
- Business Name: XYW Flooring
- Title Holder: John Doe
- Address: 111 Main Street
- City: Newport Beach
- State: CA
- Zip: 92660
- Title Holder:
- Licensed Pilot: John Doe
- Airport Base Location: John Wayne Airport Orange County
- Purchase Date: 1988
- Year Built: 1984
- Plane Make: Cessna
- Plane Model: b1234
- Plane Registration Number: N123456
- Mileage Reading: 115000