Student Loan Debt Data Lists
Student loan debt data is available for direct mail and telemarketing campaigns. Modeling for age range and college graduates, we are able to put together a profile of a former student that is likely to have student loan debt. When combining this with a model for damaged credit profiles, we are able to target people with a likelihood of needing student loan debt relief.
Standard Filters Include:
Age Range
Self-Reported Income
Self-Reported Ethnicity
Modeled Fico Score
Number of Credit Cards and More
Used with a well-crafted letter, student loan debt data holds potential to help advertisers reach the right prospects for student loan debt relief. Companies that are built around aggressive outbound callers, modeled student loan debt data is available with phones. Telemarketing by the right group and sales personnel may be the cheapest way to develop student loan debt leads and enjoy success with a campaign. Student loan debt data will get student loan debt relief firms as close as it can to the right prospects and deliver quality results. This data will not cost a small fortune and it does have potential to boost student loan debt direct mail and telemarketing campaigns to strong returns on investment.