Live Radio Auto Warranty Leads

Radio is a very appropriate direct response lead strategy for the auto warranty industry because many consumers respond as a result of hearing the message while in the car. Thirty to sixty second radio spots make an offer of an extended vehicle protection service that protects car owners against costly repairs. They generate a volume of calls that participating auto warranty firms may take advantage of on a cost per call basis. The need for this product which is so widespread that firms have the luxury of paying per call and knowing exactly what their campaign cost will be. This keeps them out of the risk of paying for a custom branded commercial and taking your chances with the professionalism of the media buyer.

Radio ads are a significant driver of hot inbound calls for auto warranty. Each call is routed through a tracking platform that logs and records the calls. Auto Warranty firms that are plugged into the radio auto warranty lead campaign have username and password access to review lead flow, lead quality and salesperson performance. Auto warranty companies enjoy the steady flow of inbound leads and the radio auto warranty leads help keep sales forces actively engaging potential clients and making sales.

Sample Radio Auto Warranty Lead

  • Original Lead Date: 2/22/2012

  • Caller ID: Joe Smith

  • Phone: 555-555-5555

  • City: Newport Beach

  • State: CA

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